Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday Track Work

11 x 200 with a 200 bounce.

According to the schedule today was supposed to be 10 x 200. It was a short workout because most of the group will be doing the Sandestin Triathlon Saturday or the 2-mile Elvis Lives Run Thursday.

Now you are wondering whether I have trouble counting to 10. If this were a swim workout the answer would be YES. I can't keep track of laps to save my life. However, during speed work, I know exactly how many reps I have done.

So the plan at the beginning of the workout was 2 sets of 5 with a 3 minute rest in between sets. There was some mumbling about one guy doing 20 instead of 10, but I ignored that.

The first set of five went as planned. I was not quite fast enough to start each rep with the fast crowd but less than 25 meters behind at the end of 5 laps. During the second set, I was able to stay a little bit closer and catch up during the recovery. It was during this set that the brain washing happened.

After the third 200,
Leader: "Only two more in this set". 
Me: "Only two more then beer"

After the fourth 
One more then a break
One more then I die

During the final recovery and rest period
Even if you can't do another set you should do at 
least 1 more. It will make you feel better.

I knew this was lie but I just couldn't say no. After a four minute rest I lined up with the rest of the crazies ready to give this final 200 everything I had left. 
3, 2, 1, go

And we were off...well, they were off. I was left in the dust. It turns out my limit is ten.

The silver lining in all of this was the "new" and improving Guido Sportif triathlon support van waiting in the parking lot with a 1/6 keg of strawberry ale. More pictures to come as the planned upgrades are completed.

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